Who can apply?

New or existing companies less than 5 years old

Based in Catalonia (in case of delegation/subsidiary in Catalonia contact ESA BIC Barcelona)

Space connection

Viable business plan

Does your business have a space connection?

To apply for the ESA BIC Barcelona, you must have a strong and innovative space connection. This includes:

Downstream space

Your idea is about utilising space systems or exploiting space technology in a non-space domain (e.g. on Earth) in one of the following areas:


– Satelite Navigation
– Earth Observation
– Satelite Communication

Technology Transfer

– Hardware
– Software or Firmware
– Knowledge, processes
– Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

Upstream space

Your idea is about exploiting new technology in the space domain, or you intend to be active as a supplier to the space sector, in one of the following areas (including systems, sub-systems, components, and services):

– Launches
– Satellites

– Ground systems
– Human spaceflight

Next Steps

Contact us for introducing your business project and receiving all information about the program.
Elisabet Vilchez Torralbo
ESA BIC Barcelona Manager
T: 687 19 16 56 elisabet.vilchez@pmt.es


and read the open call documents.
We can provide one personalized coaching session to help you complete the application to ESA BIC Barcelona.

Fill in the application documents:
Cover letter, Bussines plan,
incubation proporsal.

Submit application online, send the files to esabic.barcelona@pmt.es
with subject:
«ESA BIC Barcelona Application – [Start-up Name]».

Evaluation 1

Formal check of application documents in Tender Opening Board (TOB). Wait for the notification.

Evaluation 2

Invitation to Tender Evaluation Board (TEB) meeting.
Pitch your Business Plan and present your company.

If approved.
Sign the incubation contract.

Incubation start!